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2 Million Votes for Miss Intercontinental Sri Lanka !

Voting has began for one of the most coveted beauty pageants in the world and Chalani Shehani is making her country proud, she is currently placed second from 76 contestants with an unprecedented 2 million votes behind only Miss Vietnam.

click the below link and vote for Chalani;



The 76 contestants arrived in Egypt on Wednesday and have started documenting their journey through photos,  videos etc. , the grand finale will of the 25th of January 2018 telecasted live to a worldwide audience.


chalani shehani 26731433_10214424416020112_1923524427643746216_n 26231048_10214424416860133_3036731259180689146_n 26230749_1910880355592143_163283331081460741_n miss intercontinental 2017 26730962_1914201641926681_6451059262562855713_n 26239521_1914888565191322_6605033810191810606_n

miss sri lanka-sri lankan models- miss intercontinental miss sri lanka-chalani-orient design

chalani miss intercontinental IMG-5138