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Elegant Shashi

Being an in-demand model/actress and staying that way requires a certain a quality that cannot be described easily, but  when speaking to  the Srilankan-born Shashi Hewage you simply know she has the temperament and the Brains stay at the Top in rather competitive and Envious Industry, coming from South of Lanka she has swiftly secured a spot in the heart of the rather competitive  fashion industry and you can only admire her ability to re-invent her self on regular basis and be the change that many girls shy from due to the cultural barriers.

The sophistication of her look, her aplomb and graceful carriage, paired with that innate embodiment of Srilankan mixed Western style  Laska Photo_shoot and her exquisite Taste for Vodka

She has been around the world, has being the brunt of jealous friends and yet the Bold young lass loves her Motherland and will keep striving to maintain the startdom she already enjoys.

Apart from an Exclusive photo shoot  for Laska, we also had the chance to sit down with the extremely intelligent beauty to chat about her self (see the Video Below)