Miss Teen-Universe Sri Lanka sponsored by Akshata Honey Tea crowned Miss Minuri de Silva as the Miss Teen-Universe Sri Lanka from over 900 applicants.

She not only wears the Crown as Sri Lanka’s Most Beautiful Teen but also as a Gifted and Talented young lady Blessed with confidence and courage.
Gorgeous Minuri hails from picturesque Kandy where she excelled in Traditional Dancing, Swimming, Netball and Painting! She Designs and even sews her own Dresses..

her talents run in the Family as its seen through her Lovely sister and Brother, she attributes her strength to her encouraging and wonderfull Parents
who are truly model Parents.

SPONSOR – Akshata Honey Tea …the evolution of Tea for an active bliss and a healthy cheer, it’s the choice of the new generation because it is the only healthy beverage in the world to provide you a beautiful complexion from the Bee Honey and a fit and trim figure from the Green or Belimal Tea ! all in one pack.

HER GLAM DRESS WAS DESIGNED BY @anjuhettiarachchi @kamaaliya.lk#honey
(WhatsApp-076 184 3410 for Inquiries)

Do You want to be the next Miss Teen-Universe ? Then join the Pageantry group by whatapping your details to 077 5808084**