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Kuruluthuda Traditional Sri Lankan Rice – Boosts your SEX life

Kuruluthuda Traditional Sri Lankan Heirloom Rice is over 2,000 years old and was the aphrodisiac of past Kings and Nobility. The brand “Akshata” owned by Grains and Green (pvt) ltd (http://grainsandgreen.com/)  has brought to life these golden grains unraveling the mystic of a time long past. 

The product is the perfect supplement  for a enhanced sex life and is available in Cargills supermarkets and Harcourts Pharmacies….why spend on dangerous pills when the natural solution has been preseved by our forefathers for generations (http://srilankamirror.com/news/item/6279-20-million-sexual-enhance-pills-sold-annually-in-sl :) 

Kuruluthuda is a delectable and nutritious red rice variety which is rich in proteins and fiber. It has a pleasant taste. It is said to improve blad¬der functioning, enhance male sexual potency and help evade impotency. Kuruluthuda is also proven to have a 25% to 30% lower Glycemic Index (GI) compared to other common rice varieties.

Kuruluthuda  is packed full of B vitamins which are vital for the production of energy – without which there is no libido worth talking about. It is also a good source of magnesium essential for muscle contraction, which is also vital for sexual sensitivity, arousal, ejaculation and orgasm


gamma-aminobutyric acid  controls the brain’s pace and ­communication with other parts of the body. the easiest and most natural way for you to keep your levels even is by the food you eat.

In this case, your body needs ­complex carbohydrates to create a steady supply of glutamine, the amino acid that effectively turns into GABA in the body the best food for this is ofcourse Kuruluthuda Rice which contains Gamma Oryzanol



healthy sex drive helps the skin manufacture vitamin D (our main source of vitamin D is the sun). Sex also boosts our production of the ‘love’ ­hormone oxytocin — this helps brain function and memory
a study by Queen’s University in Belfast that suggested having sex three or more times a week reduced the risk of heart attack or stroke in men by half. 

And orgasms are thought to fight infection — increasing the number of infection-fighting cells by up to 20 per cent. Having regular sex could boost the levels of an antibody that fights colds and flu, suggested a U.S. study.


It’s also recently been found that greater­ ­sexual activity in older men might protect them against prostate cancer.

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